If you are someone who is planning on undergoing body corporate painting service projects, then you need to be sure of the fact that there are a lot of parties involved consisting of committee members and tenants which means that the entire project is to be processed in such a way where everyone is satisfied. To understand how exactly a body corporate painting job is conducted, we have enlisted a few details that might help you understand of the same. Let’s find out what it is all about.
Usually, a body corporate service includes of the following;
– Very high pressure of wash downs.
– Exterior and interior repaints.
– Coatings of anti
– graffiti
– Special and textured coatings
– Painting and roof restoration
The process of body corporate process is usually done in the below manner;
– A meeting is held with the body corporate painter in order to discuss the project in detail and if any customization is required. Once the details are communicated, an estimated budged it provided by the painter for taking up the project.
– Most of the time the colors are selected by the project owner but if recommendations are required, the painter helps and guides accordingly.
– It is the job of the painters’ team to ensure that all the external and internal flooring and furniture is protected and covered from the drops of paint.
– The painters also ensure that all cracks and damages are repaired before the actual paint work begins. Whether it is the patch work, cracks on walls, ceiling fixtures or what so ever, everything is done accordingly.
– The work is usually started in early hours and is not exactly like a typical 9 to 5 job. Even on weekends or odd hours the painters are seen to be performing their jobs in order to have the task completed on time.
– If the project is on a bigger scale, the team would also consist of more people where one person would be designated as a supervisor to ensure that all work is done in the right manner.
– Once all the work is completed, it is the job of the painting team to ensure that everything is set back to its designated place and all the mess is cleared too. This means that all the furniture si to be kept at its own place, carpets are vacuumed, floors are swept and garbage is also removed.
Hope the above stated process has cleared up your mind as to how to go about the excellent painting process when you avail body corporate painting service and what are the precautions that must be taken at your end too.